ACT Assessment methodologies
Sectoral Assessment
Below are the final sectoral ACT Assessment methodologies.
General methodologies
This ACT Generic methodology should be used to assess companies operating in a large and various range of activities all along the value chain such as the following categories :
- Extraction activities: Mining & Quarrying.
- Industry: Specific methodologies have been developed for some industries (see ACT sectoral methodologies). Therefore, ACT Generic methodology focuses on other types of industries such as manufacturing, wholesale and repair of vehicles and infrastructure construction.
- Waste and water management: water transportation and utilities as well as solid waste management.
- Services with high GHG impact: accommodation and food service, information and communication, human health & social work, arts, entertainment and recreation.
- Services with low impact: Education, professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support activities, public administration and defence, compulsory social security, activities of households as employers, extraterritorial and other services.
This methodology has beed updated in December 2023.
L’article 7 de l’accord de Paris définit l’objectif mondial consistant à “améliorer la capacité d’adaptation, renforcer la résilience et réduire les vulnérabilités au changement climatique”. Pour soutenir cet objectif, l’initiative ACT a développé la méthodologie ACT Adaptation. En fournissant ce cadre de responsabilité pour l’adaptation au climat aux entreprises de tous les secteurs, elle vise à évaluer la qualité et l’exhaustivité de la stratégie d’adaptation de l’entreprise, de l’analyse des risques physiques à la gouvernance. Cette deuxième version de la méthodologie a été examinée par deux tiers indépendants. Elle est actuellement en cours d’expérimentation.
Upcoming ACT Assessment methodologies
We are currently pilot-testing these methods with companies. Once their feedback integrated, the methodologies will be finalized.
ACT Step by Step
ACT Step by Step has been developed based on feedback from companies using ACT Assessment methodologies while having little to no transition plan in place. Indeed, they found that the 360° forward-looking approach would suits a method to develop a low-carbon strategy and transition plan step by step starting from current practice and supporting progress all the way until a potential ACT Assessment to reward a good performance.
Therefore, ACT Step by Step builds on learnings from ACT Assessment and feedback from businesses and consultants supporting companies with low-carbon transition planning. A pragmatic approach, it is builds capacity within companies willing to improve their decarbonisation strategy according to sector specific challenges.