ACT provides sectoral methodologies as an accountability framework to drive corporate climate actions and align their strategies with relevant and ambitious low-carbon pathways.
ACT is an international initiative engaging with organisations globally to support setting up local ecosystems. Contact us if you are interested in setting up and leading an ACT ecosystem in your country.
ACT aims at supporting companies worldwide to contribute to global carbon neutrality through partnerships development.
The ACT-DDP project
The ACT-DDP project aims to support the low-carbon transition of high emitting sectors in Mexico and Brazil. This 2-year collaboration enabled the construction of bottom-up sectoral pathways for Mexico’s urban public transport sector, Brazil’s meat production sector, and cement and power generation sectors in both countries, and the assessment of 20 key Brazilian and Mexican companies’ low-carbon strategies and transition plans among these sectors against these pathways.

More information on the ACT-DDP project
Two innovative and complementary initiatives
The ACT and DDP initiatives aim to enhance the collective ambition of reducing greenhouse gases emissions. Through their collaboration, the initiatives build, illustrate and promote tools enabling companies, policymakers, investors, and other relevant sectoral and national actors to develop low-carbon strategies
For more information on the DDP initiative
Benefit for companies
ACT methodologies and tools are the only international climate accountability framework that can be used to develop credible and ambitious decarbonisation strategies
ACT-DDP side-event at COP26 in Glasgow
The COP26 side-event Assessing company transition with deep decarbonization pathways in Brazil and Mexico – lessons learned from the ACT-DDP Project took place at the IFDC pavilion on November 9, 2021. The conference present the first results of this project and highlight some lessons learned from the assessment of local companies.
Co-organized by AFD, IDDRI and CDP Latam, the event featured representatives from the FFEM, IDDRI, ADEME, COPPE/UFRJ, Tempus Analitica and companies CEMIG (Brazil) and URBVAN (Mexico).
Conference program:
- Introduction
- Rationale of the project (min 2:52)
- Developing sectoral deep decarbonization pathways in Brazil and Mexico: challenges and opportunities (min 14:55)
- The role of companies in sectoral decarbonization – Assessing company strategies (min 48:08)
Assessing company transition with deep decarbonization pathways in Brazil and Mexico – lessons learned from the ACT-DDP Project
COP 26 – Glasgow | 9 novemnber 2021
Final workshops presenting the project results
Aiming to connect relevant actors at the national level, a final workshop in each country will present the results of the project, in addition to discussing the challenges of the private and public sectors for the transition to a low carbon economy with a broad audience of associations, companies, academics, and public authorities.
Mexico (Mexico City)
Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2022, from 10 am to 7 pm
Format: Hybrid (online transmission)
Translation: English-Spanish
If you can participate in person, please fill in the following form
Brazil (São Paulo)
Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022, from 10 am to 7 pm
Format: Hybrid (online transmission)
Translation: English-Portuguese
If you can participate in person, please fill in the following form