[ACT Public Consultation] – update of Electric Utilities methodology 

Electric Utilities Methodology

The ACT Team launches its Public Consultation to update the Electric Utilities methodology. This methodology was first published in 2019. Now the time has come to update it, to ensure it remains cutting-edge in its ambition, relevance, and comprehensiveness.

The consultation will be open for 2 weeks, from 20th March to 31st March 2023, for stakeholders to provide comments. We value the expertise of our stakeholders, and your input will be key to help us develop a robust methodology.

What is the consultation about?

We would like to collect feedback on the methodology changes, the main ones being:

  • Adding a performance indicator to assess companies’ share of CAPEX in low-carbon and mitigation technologies
  • Increasing the scope of activities considered by the methodology from power generation only, to also include power retail/trading
  • List available sectoral scenarios ambitious enough to assess companies against the ambition of the Paris Agreement
  • Updating the list of business models that ACT considers to be compatible with a low-carbon future

How can I participate?
We invite you to review the methodology changes using the links below and provide comments and feedback on all aspects of the document.

Description of methodology changes: https://actinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/public-consultation-act-electric-utilities-update-2023_1.pdf

Survey to provide comments and feedback: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ACT-EU

Why participate?

  • Contribute your expertise to ensure the ACT Electric Utilities methodology reflects the most relevant topics to the sector’s low-carbon transition;
  • Ensure that the methodology is applicable globally and to a diverse range of companies;
  • For Electric Utility companies that are part of  WBA’s (World Benchmarking Alliance) benchmark sample: Get ahead of the curve by gaining insight into the methodology that will be used to assess your company in the upcoming World Benchmarking Alliance Electric Utilities benchmark.

If you would like to have a call to discuss the ACT initiative or the Electric Utilities methodology update in more detail, feel free to contact Yann Rosetti at  y.rosetti@worldbenchmarkingalliance.org to arrange a chat with the ACT team.

Thank you for your time and input.

The ACT Team