Release of the ACT Aluminium methodology!

The ACT Initiative is glad to announce the release of the ACT Aluminium methodology!

Aluminium industry is currently responsible for 2% of global GHG emissions (1.1 Gt/year), aluminium being the second most-used metal in the world after iron. As aluminium is a key metal, especially in the context of the low-carbon transition, its production is thus expected to grow. A low-carbon world therefore requires a low-carbon transition of the aluminium sector.

The ACT methodology considers all companies producing alumina or/and aluminium, including remelters and refiners. The indicators and their weightings vary depending on the type of activities covered by the company and the significance of its upstream indirect emissions.

The methodology rewards companies that implement low-carbon processes, that foster circular economy (ecodesign, scrap collection and sorting, recycling) and for smelters, that contribute to new low-carbon power generation and/or a more flexible grid.

The methodology was finalized after a process of more than a year: firstly, drafting the methodology with the support of a technical working group composed of experts and stakeholders from the sector; secondly, experimenting with volunteer companies and considering feedback to improve the methodology; and finally, a quality assurance process.