[ACT 4 Finance | Public Consultation]

Act 4 finance 2 methodology

ADEME is launching the ACT 4 Finance public consultation.

The consultation is open to every financial sector stakeholder and will end on February 10th.

It is the opportunity to:

  • review the full methodology before road-test 
  • check the methodology consistency and clarity
  • get feedback


Contribution process:

Option 1: ACT website

1. Download the ACT method of your choice:

2. Provide comments through the excel file

3. Send it back to ACT 4 Finance Team

Anatole Métais-Grollier: anatole.metais-grollier@ademe.fr

Stanislas Ray: stanislas.ray@ademe.fr


Option 2: ScribeHub

1. Follow the link to ScribeHub


2. Providing comments is quite straightforward : you just have to register.

Do not hesitate to share with your colleagues and network.

Thank you for your contribution!

Kind regards,

ACT 4 Finance Team