Category: Events

Climate consultants: would you like to improve your expertise in building and assessing companies' low-carbon transition strategies? We have just published 4 new training sessions in English to acquire advanced skills in ACT methodologies, specially designed for climate consultants (not companies). …

The ACT team has participated at COP28 to present ACT Adaptation and ACT Finance methodologies. ACT Adaptation : "Managing the inevitable: How companies are appropriating adaptation issues in their strategies in a credible way?" Presented and moderated by Stephia Latino Physical risks project mana…

After local programs in Europe and the Americas, the ACT Initiative is developing from this year its presence in Japan, with the support of local partners. As a first step, ACT co-developers ADEME and CDP introduces the methodology in an event organized in Tokyo on 7th July, for an audience of 100 p…

The ACT-DDP project aims to support the low-carbon transition of high emitting sectors in Mexico and Brazil. This 2-year collaboration enabled the construction of bottom-up sectoral pathways for Mexico's urban public transport sector, Brazil's meat production sector, and cement and power generation …

Advancing corporate decarbonization - public and private synergies and future regulatory frameworks - Hotel Radison Blu Glasgow 5th November 10am-16pm Organized by CETESB and ADEME, this in-person event focuses on Brazil's Climate Agenda and includes : Introductions and panel moderation from Patríc…